Can Rabbits Eat Bell Peppers?

Yes, rabbits can eat bell peppers as a treat. You should cut the main fleshy part of the pepper into small pieces. Adult rabbits can eat one tablespoon of bell peppers for every two pounds of their body weight. Since it’s so sugary, your rabbit should only have a bell pepper treat once or twice a week.

Rabbits can eat all colors of bell peppers as a tasty treat. This includes red, green, orange, yellow, and more! You can grow them at home, or pick them up from grocery stores, or farmers markets.

Always make sure that you give the bell peppers a good wash to clean off any chemicals or pesticides before giving them to your rabbit. You also need to remove the seeds, stems, and cores.

Fun fact: The color of the bell pepper indicates when it was picked. It’s green if it’s immature, red is fully grown, and orange is a different species of plant.

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Can Rabbits Eat Beets?

Yes, rabbits can eat raw beets as a treat. This root vegetable (fully named beetroot) makes a delicious, nutritious treat for rabbits. One teaspoon of beet for every two pounds that your rabbit weighs is an ideal portion. Rabbits can have this treat no more than twice per week.

Make sure that you remove the roots from the beets – they’re super starchy and harmful to your rabbits overall health. Your rabbit can safely eat beetroot, beet tops (the green part), and leaves.

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Can Rabbits Eat Bean Sprouts?

Yes, rabbits can eat bean sprouts as a treat. This vegetable is packed full of nutrients but should be eaten in moderation (at most two times per week). An ideal serving size would be one teaspoon of bean sprouts for every pound that your rabbit weighs.

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Can Rabbits Eat Bananas?

Yes, rabbits can eat bananas. However, rabbits should only be given small amounts of banana as a special treat due to their very high sugar content. One teaspoon of banana once or twice a week is enough.

Your rabbit will love this treat, but you should rotate it with other fruits to stop them getting addicted to the sugar and ensure that they have balanced diets.

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Can Rabbits Eat Avocado?

No, rabbits can’t eat avocado. If your rabbit eats avocado, they are eating a toxin called persin which can be very harmful to them. In the worst cases, eating persin can be fatal – so you must keep your rabbit far away from any avocados.

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Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus?

Yes, your rabbit can eat raw asparagus. It’s a healthy vegetable eaten as part of their balanced diet. Ensure that it is given to your rabbit alongside unlimited hay and clean water.

Keep scrolling to learn more.

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Can Rabbits Eat Almonds?

No, rabbits can’t eat almonds. If your rabbit eats almonds, they’re at risk from a bunch of issues like cyanide poisoning and digestive conditions. Generally, you shouldn’t feed your rabbit any type of nuts.

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Can Rabbits Drink Orange Juice?

Yes, rabbits can drink orange juice in certain situations. But while there are some health benefits, there are even greater risks. It’s super sugary and acidic, and there’s a risk that it’ll be packed with a bunch of additives and preservatives if it isn’t fresh orange juice.

Fresh orange juice is usually diluted with water on the recommendation from a vet to persuade a rabbit to drink.

It’s important to remember that no other drink should replace water though – because it’s just as  essential for a rabbit as it is for you or me.

Read on to find out more.

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Can Rabbits Drink Milk?

No, rabbits can’t drink milk because they are lactose-intolerant. The only liquid they should be drinking is water. If you give your rabbit any type of milk you’d almost definitely upset their tummy.

Scroll on to find out about the only exception to this, and about the importance of water.

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