Can Rabbits Eat Eggs?

No, your rabbit should not be given eggs (of any sort) to eat. Your rabbit is a herbivore (i.e. they eat plants) so their sensitive stomach isn’t equipped to digest eggs.

Wild rabbits instinctively know to avoid eggs, but tame pet rabbits may not know the difference and may be willing to take a bite. Try and prevent your rabbit from eating eggs.

Generally, you should avoid giving your rabbit dairy or any animal by-products. Your rabbit will be far healthier and happier eating hay and green vegetables than an egg.

What Types of Egg Are Bad for Rabbits?

You may love eggs, one of the greatest and more versatile superfoods.

But there’s no way of cooking your egg that makes it edible for your rabbit. Make sure your tasty eggs are for your stomach and kept well away from your rabbit.

It also makes no difference which animal the egg has come from. Whether chicken, duck, turkey or any other type of egg – none of them are good for your rabbit.

The only thing worse than an egg is a chocolate egg. Popular at Easter, chocolate eggs are often exchanged and found in the house. It is extremely important to keep these out of reach from your rabbit as chocolate is toxic to them. If you suspect your rabbit has eaten chocolate of any kind, you need to get them to a vet ASAP.

Are Any Parts of an Egg Okay for My Rabbit to Eat?

No, there are no parts of an egg that are okay for your rabbit to eat. The egg is made up of yellow yolk in the center which is surrounded by a white membrane called the eggwhite. Your rabbit can’t have either of these.

Possible Side Effects if Your Rabbit Eats Eggs

There are several possible side effects your rabbit can get from eating eggs.

If your rabbit accidentally has a bite of egg, it may not have any ill effect. But if this happens, always monitor your rabbit for changes in behavior (e.g. not eating, not drinking, and not defecating).

  • Diarrhea.
  • Loss of appetite, potentially leading to malnutrition or vitamin deficiencies.
  • Blockage in their digestion system which can be fatal and could require emergency treatment.
  • High cholesterol which can increase the chances of a heart attack.
  • Salmonella contamination causes food poisoning.
  • Gut motility slows so food doesn’t move as fast and can get stuck.

Contact a vet if you notice any of these side effects, or want the extra peace of mind.

What Can I Give My Rabbit to Eat?

Your rabbit can get all the nutrition they need from a regular diet of unlimited hay, a variety of fresh vegetables, a daily bowl of pellets, and drinking water. On top of this, they can have occasional treats, but only from food that is safe for rabbits.


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