Do Rabbits Like Blankets?

Yes, rabbits do like blankets. You can put these in their cage, use it to provide comfort, or cover their cages. You’ll need to make sure that the blanket doesn’t have any holes in it as your rabbit’s paws and claws can get stuck. Fleece blankets are particularly good choices, as they have short fibers that are less harmful if ingested.

Why Do Rabbits Like Blankets?

Your rabbit will probably like the addition of a blanket. It’s something they could live without – wild rabbits don’t have access to one and it’s not a difference-maker in their survival. But it’s a nice cozy comfort. 

Rabbits like blankets for a number of reasons:

  • Comfort: This extra layer between the ground and your rabbit is more comfortable to lie on.
  • Security: A blanket can create an extra barrier between your rabbit and the world. Covering their cage creates a dark, cozy environment similar to a burrow.
  • Warmth: Baby rabbits cuddle with their siblings for warmth and older rabbits will do the same with their bonded mate. If you have a single rabbit, a blanket is a great addition to mimic body heat and keep your rabbit warm.
  • Fun: Rabbits need a lot of mental stimulation and this doesn’t have to mean expensive store-bought toys. A blanket can provide something to dig, burrow into, move around, and more.
  • Toilet: Some rabbits might decide that their new blanket is the perfect spot to use as a toilet. This might be preferable to a carpet, or it could be a habit to train them out of.

What Can I Use as a Blanket for My Rabbit?

There are a few options that you can use for a blanket for your rabbit. They might naturally prefer one type over another – or not mind at all. The best thing to do is to try a few options and see what works.

Your rabbit can safely use:

  • Towels: They’re relatively cheap, and come in a variety of colors, absorbencies, and softness levels. The only problem is that rabbits tend to enjoy chewing on cotton and holes can form. Monitor and replace towels when you notice holes forming. 
  • Cotton: Classic cotton blankets might be your first thought for using. Though this is an option, it can be chewed and broken down into long strands that can tangle around your rabbit or be swallowed and cause digestional problems. 
  • Fleece: This is a favorite of most rabbits, but sawdust and hay will cling to the fabric and be difficult to remove even if it’s washed. 
  • Fake fur: This is a good option for a lonely rabbit, the fur is the closest thing to sleeping with another rabbit. 
  • Cushions: You can pick up specific pet-friendly cushions from the store that are designed for pets or use regular cushions. Rabbits will love having their own cushion to lie on. 

Things to Watch Out for When Your Rabbit Has a Blanket

When giving your rabbit a blanket, there are a few safety risks that are posed by the blanket. As long as you keep an eye on your rabbit and be mindful of these risks, it should be safe.

Watch out for:

  • Holes: If your rabbit digs or chews a hole in the blanket, there’s a high chance that some part of them might get suck. As your rabbit tries to pull free, they could further hurt themselves.
  • Digestive issues: Rabbits have delicate digestive systems and eating threads and bits of the blanket could cause any number of internal issues.
  • Tangling: Long threads from the blanket could wind around one of your rabbit’s legs (or other body parts) and cut off circulation. Your rabbit would probably panic if they were stuck and could further injure themselves by thrashing around.
  • Suffocation: If your rabbit burrows into the blanket, they could potentially suffocate and not be able to climb back out.
  • Allergies: Your rabbit might have an allergic reaction to the material, washing detergent, or fabric softener.
  • Territorial behavior: Once you give a blanket to your rabbit, you can’t take it back at a later date. This could cause your rabbit to become territorial and aggressive over their property.

If your rabbit is unwell or injured, the best course of action is to take them to a vet as soon as you can.

Do Rabbits Need a Blanket at Night?

This one is up to you. There are benefits of using a blanket at night such as creating a dark place for them to sleep, to act as insulation, and extra protection. 

However, there are also drawbacks of using a blanket – it can make the rabbit feel uneasy because they don’t have night vision and they won’t be able to scan their surroundings for danger if their hutch is covered.

To sum up, you can give them a blanket at night, but it isn’t crucial for a rabbit to have it. For more information, check out our post about whether you should cover a rabbit’s cage at night.

Do Rabbits Need Blankets to Keep Warm?

Rabbits don’t need blankets to stay warm but they can be a welcome addition.

This is because they have thick coats to insulate their body. As we go into fall, they grow thicker coats to help adjust to the temperature. They also have other methods of keeping warm such as burrowing into their bedding and sleeping close to other rabbits.

That being said, a blanket will be an extra layer and can be soothing to rabbits. So while it isn’t necessary, it’s a nice addition and can help them stay toasty in the coldest months.  

If your rabbit lives in an outdoor hutch, a blanket won’t hurt.

Can Rabbits Have Blankets in Their Cage?

Yes, it’s safe for rabbits to have blankets in and on their cages.

It can help insulate their cage and be used as bedding. The best thing to do is to place it in the cage and allow the rabbit to interact with it however they feel comfortable. Don’t try to wrap your rabbit in the blanket – they won’t appreciate it!

Blankets in your rabbit’s cage can provide a little extra privacy, block draughts, help your rabbit to feel safer. Make sure that you regularly check the blanket over and monitor your rabbit after putting the blanket in.

Related Questions

Why Is My Rabbit Digging on the Blanket?

Digging is a natural instinct for rabbits – they might be digging on their blanket because they find it fun, because they’re curious to see what’s underneath, or to arrange it how they want it. If you want them to stop digging, you could distract them or try to train them not to dig.

Can I Wrap My Rabbit in a Blanket?

No, you shouldn’t wrap your rabbit in a blanket. Though there might be rare exceptions, most rabbits will hate being trapped and find it stressful to not be able to get free. This can lead to injuries, panic, and even heart attacks. Wrapping your rabbit too tightly could also cause them to overheat.

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