Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Yes, rabbits can eat parsley. A small amount of parsley up to three times a week will make a great addition to your rabbit’s diet. There’s plenty of beneficial vitamins and minerals your rabbit can get from parsley.

The only time you might want to skip parsley is if your rabbit has a urinary condition. Parsley has a lot of calcium in it, which can make urinary issues worse. If you’re unsure whether to give your rabbit parsley, there are plenty of healthy alternatives with less calcium like coriander, romaine lettuce, and asparagus.

A good portion of parsley would be two leafy stems per serving.

Types of Parsley

Your rabbit can eat both types of parsley:

  • Flat leaf parsley: Made up of flat, broad leaves that can be any color between dark and light green.
  • Curly parsley: Bright green, curly, thick leaves.

Rabbits can eat parsley stem, root, and leaves. Make sure you wash them thoroughly first though. If the parsley isn’t organic it could have chemicals and pesticides which can be harmful to your rabbit in big doses.

Benefits of Your Rabbit Eating Parsley

Parsley is like a rabbit superfood – high in fiber, low in sugar, and fat. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

It contains antioxidants that prevent free radicals from causing cell damage. Other benefits include reducing high blood pressure and anti-inflammatory properties.

There’s also vitamin C. Used in moderation, this can help to boost your rabbit’s immunity and help them fight off chronic diseases. It also has high calcium levels, check out the risk section below to find out what happens if your rabbit has too much calcium.

Parsley also contains vitamins A and K, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium.

Risks of Giving Your Rabbit Parsley

Parsley is healthy in moderation. However, too much parsley can overload your rabbit’s vitamin levels and lead to health issues.

One of the biggest risks comes from your rabbit getting too much calcium. This is worse if your rabbit has kidney or bladder issues – if they do, you should avoid parsley and find an alternative.

Overfeeding of parsley can cause bloating and increased gas in your rabbit. Another common problem from a rabbit eating the wrong diet is diarrhea.

It’s important to start slowly if your rabbit is having parsley for the first time. Try feeding them just a piece of parsley and monitor them for any response to it. If they seem okay, you can increase the amount of parsley you give them next time.

If your rabbit seems to be having issues after eating parsley, stop giving it to them. If the issues persist, take your rabbit to a vet.

What Else Should I Feed My Rabbit?

Parsley should make up part of the vegetable and herb part of your rabbit’s diet. This should represent around 10% of their overall diet. You should vary the vegetable part of your rabbit’s diet as much as you can – switching between rabbit-friendly vegetables that are available to you.

In addition to this, rabbits should have constant access to hay (80% of their diet), pellets (5%), and treats here and there.

Make sure your rabbit always has access to clean, fresh water too.

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