How Fast Can Rabbits Run?

Rabbits can run around 30mph on average – with some wild jackrabbits reaching up to 45mph and certain slower breeds of domesticated rabbits being capped at 25mph. One thing is for sure – they’re certainly faster than us humans!

Fun fact: Wild hares can run faster again at around 48mph!

Rabbits tend to run in bursts of speed (e.g., if they’re escaping a predator), but they can’t run at 30mph for extended periods. They’re sprinters, not marathon runners.

Read on for more information on rabbits running including how they run so fast, why they need to run so fast, and comparisons with other animals’ top speeds.

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Do Rabbits Get Hiccups?

Yes, rabbits do get hiccups – though it’s more common in baby rabbits rather than adults. It’s the only way that rabbits can expel trapped gas (since they can’t vomit, hold their breath, or burp).

Usually rabbits hiccup because they’ve eaten too fast and ended up swallowing air that’s got trapped in their diaphragm. A hiccup is the diaphragm muscle spasming to expel the air out.

The hiccups tend to pass after a few minutes and aren’t something to worry about in most cases. If the hiccups persist, it could be a sign of a more serious health issue.

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Can You Use Puppy Pads for Rabbits?

No, you shouldn’t use puppy pads for rabbits. This is because the puppy pads contain chemicals that would be harmful to rabbits if chewed and ingested (they’re perfectly safe for puppies though).

The good news is that there are plenty of other options for catching your rabbit’s urine and poop!

Read on to find out why you shouldn’t use puppy pads, what you should be using, and more.

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Do Rabbits Watch TV?

Yes, rabbits do watch TV and can grow to enjoy watching it! They’ll like watching the moving images and listening to the sound (as long as it isn’t too loud). A TV set can provide mental stimulation and company for your rabbit – but it isn’t a substitute for human interaction and attention.

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Why Do Rabbits Have Red Eyes?

Certain breeds of rabbits have naturally red eyes – this is due to their genetics and how the light reflects within their eyes. There are a few differences between a rabbit that has red eyes and one that doesn’t, but they’re easy to overcome.

There is also a condition rabbits can develop called ‘red eye’ that is unrelated to the rabbit having red colored eyes. Later in the article, I explore this condition, how to recognize signs, and how to avoid your rabbit getting it.

Read on to find out which breeds of rabbits have red eyes, how having a red eye affects the rabbit, and more!

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Signs of a Depressed Rabbit

Rabbits can get depressed for a bunch of reasons, and there are a few key signs you should look out for in their behavior. Some of the most common signs are if your rabbit is hiding away, not moving much, not eating, and altogether acting out of character. 

Check out the rest of the article to find out what other signs of depression you can look out for in your rabbit. And once you recognize the problem and identify the cause, you can try a few things to cheer them up – you can find out some useful tips on how to help your depressed rabbit later in the article.

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Can You Vacuum Rabbit Poop?

Yes, you can vacuum rabbit poop – but it might clog up your vacuum. Certain types of pet vacuums are designed for things like rabbit poop and are worth buying. Read on to find out what makes a good vacuum when you have rabbits!

You should note that if the poop isn’t completely dry, it could damage the vacuum. If you pick up fur, hay, and other debris it can also cause problems. As well as that, these vacuums won’t clean urine and the liquid might damage electrical components in the vacuum.

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Do Rabbits Stop Eating When They Are Full?

No, rabbits don’t stop eating when they’re full. They’re grazers by nature and this can be a problem – a rabbit will keep eating as long as there’s something to eat in front of them. This means they’ll eat more than the recommended portion for a balanced diet and is an issue as they would eat poisonous and harmful foods without realizing it.

Rabbits will register when they’re full, but that won’t stop them from continuing to eat. Rabbits can’t throw up, so anything they eat has to go through their digestive system and be pooped out.

As well as making sure that your rabbit doesn’t over-eat, you need to watch out for if they stop eating. A rabbit losing their appetite is a sign that something is seriously wrong.

Read on to find out the risks of rabbits overeating, how to prevent it, and more!

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Can Rabbits Wear Clothes?

Yes, rabbits can wear clothes. But this should only be if your rabbit is comfortable being put into clothes, if the clothing fits well, and if you monitor your rabbit the entire time that they’ve got the clothes on.

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Can Rabbits Live Alone?

Yes, a rabbit can technically live alone, but it’s recommended that you always try to keep at least two rabbits together. There are a ton of benefits when you have multiple rabbits – they don’t get so lonely, have someone to play with, the list goes on.

However, there are times when it might be better to let your rabbit live solo (e.g., if they’ve had negative experiences in the past).

Read on for tips if you do have to keep just one rabbit, when you should have one rabbit living alone, and more!

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