Can Rabbits Jump Over Fences?

Yes, rabbits can jump over fences. An average rabbit can jump around two feet upwards, but in the right conditions, some rabbits might be able to jump higher – between three and four feet! So it’s a good idea to have fences at least one foot higher than you think they can jump.

Rabbits have powerful hind legs that help them jump high into the air, and depending on the size of the fence depends if the rabbit will be able to clear it. If there’s anything for them to jump between (like bricks) they’ll be able to get even higher up.

It’s important to measure any fences on your property so you can ensure that your home is secure and there’s no chance that your rabbit can leap over the fence and escape. This is also a good way to keep wild rabbits out of your yard.

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Do Rabbits Like Car Rides?

No, rabbits don’t like car rides – although they’ll tolerate them when they have to. The general advice here is to only take your rabbit in the car when it’s unavoidable (like a trip to the vet or when you’re moving house).

Read on to find out why rabbits don’t like car rides – as well as some tips for how to travel if you absolutely have to go somewhere with your rabbit in the car.

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Can Rabbits See in the Dark?

Rabbits can see in the dark when there’s a little bit of light – but can’t see in total darkness. When they can’t see at all, rabbits utilize their other senses like their hearing and smell to navigate.

Read on for everything you need to know about a rabbit’s vision, how their sight compares to other animals’ night vision, and more!

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Can Rabbits Swim?

Yes, rabbits can swim – it’s a built-in survival technique they can use to escape danger. However, rabbits don’t enjoy being submerged in water and it can cause them extreme stress. In the worst cases, the rabbit could even go into shock and die.

Whether it’s a bath, swimming pool, pond, or the sea, it isn’t a good idea to let your rabbit swim there. The rule of thumb here is to keep them dry wherever possible.

Read on to find out the problems a rabbit would face after a swim, how to dry a rabbit’s fur, and more.

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Rabbits Running in Circles

You’ll see a rabbit running in circles for a variety of reasons – like if they’re bored, trying to establish their dominance, or courting.

But there are other reasons a rabbit might run in circles too.

Read on to find out more and what (if anything) you can do to stop it.

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Can Rabbits Drink Out of a Bowl?

Yes, your rabbit can and should drink their water out of a bowl (also known as a crock). It’s the recommended method for drinking as it closely mimics how wild rabbits drink. 

Drinking water is vital for a rabbit to stay hydrated and healthy, so regardless of what they drink from, make sure that your rabbit has plenty of fresh drinking water available to them.

Read on to learn why drinking from a bowl is better than other options, potential drawbacks, and how to introduce a bowl to your rabbit for the first time.

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Do Rabbits Get Cold at Night?

Rabbits do get cold at night in certain situations. If your rabbit lives in an outside hutch, it should be properly insulated so it’s kept warm, dry, and draught-free. If it isn’t, your rabbit is at risk of getting sick and suffering through long, cold nights.

Any temperature below 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 degrees Celsius) should set warning bells ringing. This is the point where your rabbit will feel the cold and need to quickly get warmer.

They do have thick fur coats designed to insulate them and techniques to keep warm at night-time. Some of these are instinctive but most of the ways to stay warm will require intervention from their owner. 

Read on to learn more about keeping rabbits when it’s cold!

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Purpose of a Rabbit’s Tail

The little fluffy tail (also known as a scut) at the back of your rabbit’s body is extremely important in their day-to-day lives. It’s a form of communication and an alarm system to other rabbits. It can also serve as a distraction to predators when the rabbit’s fleeing. On top of this, tail movement shows emotion in domesticated rabbits.

Fun fact #1: If you see your rabbit wagging their tail at you, it’s their equivalent of giving you attitude if they’re irritated – similar to putting the middle finger up!

Fun Fact #2: Rabbit tails aren’t just the round fluff at the end – they extend around two inches on average! Most rabbits keep their tails tucked in, you might only see them if your rabbit is totally relaxed and laying down with their tail extended.

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Difference Between Male and Female Rabbits Personality

There are some distinct benefits from knowing whether your rabbit is male (buck) or female (doe) and it might affect which one you get. The difference can be in their behavior, appearance, and temperament, and there are pros and cons for both.

Male rabbits are typically better rabbits for first-time owners, as they’re usually less aggressive and territorial than females. Females are known to be dominant and have more bossy personalities.

There are some other key differences between the two though.

Read on to find out more.

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Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon?

Yes, rabbits can eat watermelon as a tasty, refreshing treat. There are some nutritional benefits, but it’s also high in sugar so the portion should be limited. You can give your rabbit two tablespoons of watermelon in one serving. And you should only let your rabbit have watermelon once or twice per week at most.

You must remove the seeds before serving any watermelon to your rabbit. The rind and flesh of the watermelon are both perfectly safe once the seeds are gone.

Keep reading to understand the full range of effects watermelon can have on your rabbit so you can decide if you want to feed it to them or not. 

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